Wednesday, October 10, 2012

well, life is being so busy with just calls and emails and things going on with school because Im trying to get out of this math class they have me in and it just rather sucks...So we shall see how it ends and if I can get into a lower refresher class.

But on the high side of the last couple days.....We are taking a little vacation and going to see my cousin I havent seen in like 16 years or so...Well, we will just say we were both in our teens when we saw each other last and I am sooo excited to finally see her again and check out the area she lives. I am soooo excited..Can ya tell...can ya tell...LOL..

I am trying to stay busy and postitive but its been difficult lately but I am trying to be the best again. I have been having serious anxiety attacks again and my back has been really bothering me alot lately and now to top it all off ive been having serious pains between my shoulder blades and my neck has been so stiff..Makes for a difficult sleep time. So I see the doctor on the 30th of this month and hes gonna take xrays...My biggest fear is because my lower back was screwed up for so long, now my upper back is doing the same but good and positive thoughts that it is nothing and its just my imagination.

Went to the library and got some books on how to blog the right way and things like that so that I can make this better one for myself. I want to get better at this so more people will want to read it and enjoy what they read...

Well, folks I believe thats all for now...
later taters...

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